Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy Birthday to you!

Lane couldn't have asked for a better birthday wish. He was hoping for no school and he got it. The threat of snow shuts down all the schools and some of the buisnesses.

We all got up this morning so Lane could open his birthday presents. As you can see in the background Riley is thrilled!
GO TITANS!!! Lane has wanted a Titans jersey for a while. Too bad they didn't do better this season.
Yeah Legos!!! I love stepping on them in the dark and getting them jammed in the vacuum. ha ha ha. Lane doesn't play with them that much any more but he loves to build them.

I have to say that his football cake turned out pretty good. Happy Birthday Lane!


Another snow day today. I think it's crazy!!! 10 flakes in town and it paralyzes the entire county.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

We survived Christmas!

Christmas was very quiet this year at our house. Lane went to Utah to visit his dad and Aaron and Austin stayed in Idaho. You would think Riley would love the fact that she was an only child for 2 weeks. Not so, she was so bored. After running out of things to do she decided to do daddy's hair. Very cute!

We made cookies for Santa and made sure there was some nice hot chocolate for him as well.

Christmas morning was nice. With Riley being the only one home we were able to sleep in until 8 o'clock. We actually had to wake her up.

Mommy was the lucky one with the camera. I got to take fun pictures of everyone with their Christmas morning hair. Sometimes staying behind the camera has it's benefits.

New books, Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Smith.
After opening all our gifts we ate a quick breakfast and got on the road. We headed up to Ohio to visit my brother and his family. It wasn't to bad a drive. Only 5 hours and Gene did all the driving so it was a nice drive for me. ha ha ha. He let me relax and read. What a nice husband. He didn't make to much of a fuss while I read the Twilight series for the whole 2 weeks of Christmas break.

We got to David's house in time for dinner. There was a slight turkey accident but he saved the best part. Just an FYI for all of you. If you deep fry a 25 lb turkey make sure you have another person standing by with a cookie sheet as a safety net just in case the turkey legs decide to fall off!

It was great to spend the holidays with some family.

David and Tyson brushing up on their Guitar skills.

We played a little while we were there. Bowling and Laser Quest, what more could you ask for? Maybe a nap for the grown-ups.
I don't think Tyson can be serious in any picture.


My Mad bowling skills at their finest!

Riley beat me at both games.

Riley, Tyson, Ashley, Tyler, Alyssa as a totem pole.
We drove to Cincinnati and went to the Aquarium. It was a lot of fun. Riley finally pet the star fish and horse shoe crabs.

Gene and David testing their "Shark Jaw" strength.

Feeding the fish.

How tall are you?

Petting the sting rays.
Over all we had a great Christmas. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!