Wednesday, August 19, 2009

PoWeR JuMp!!!!!

A trip to the mall was a lot of fun! We started with a movie, did some shopping, stopped to feed the sting rays, and finished the day with the PoWeR JuMp!!! The boys did extra around the house all week so they would have enough money to do it all! They had a blast.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

SuMmEr PiC's

We are sad to see summer go :( but the kids are ready to go back to school--or maybe that's just me?!?. So many great times were had this summer. It's so much fun making memories!!!

A project 8 years in the making!

I have been working on a T-shirt quilt for my son for a long time. When he was about 4 when I started saving his favorite T-shirts as he grew out of them. A short 8 yrs. later I had about 37 shirts and decided it was enough to get started. So about 3 weeks ago I started cutting, and cutting, and cutting some more. I actually ran out of shirts and had to raid his closet for 4 more shirts. I finished last weekend and YEAH it's done!!! I like the way it turned out, He loves it and I even had enough squares to make a pillow. FYI--basketball jersey's are a pain to work with :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

First Day of School!!!!

Wow!!! 6 O'clock comes pretty early in the morning. For me that is but for two kids that were excited to start a new school year and see all of their friends 6 O'clock was no big deal. We'll see if tomorrow is the same way. I'm sure the excitement will wear off quickly.

Summer time came and went!!!

We had a blast this summer. From Scout camp to jet skiing to target practice we stayed BUSY!! We sure will miss having all of our kids with us. The whole family spent the weekend at Center Hill Lake with our friends. Other than getting SuN BuRnEd we had a blast!! I even rode the tube with the boys. The lining ripped during a turn and the 3 of us went flying across the water. No one was hurt but it was the last tube ride of the day.
I took the kids to play some mini golf and drive the go carts. Aaron showed us all by getting 4 holes in 1. I'm pretty sure he had a trick ball or something. ha ha. Riley proved to be a pretty good driver. She didn't hit any walls and no one crashed! We also spent an afternoon at the mall and the kids fed the sting ray's. I can't believe how fast our kids have grown. Any ideas on how we can slow it down???
We are always sad to see Aaron and Austin go back to Idaho. We just have to look forward to Christmas now.