Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sometimes mom just needs a Time-Out!

I was able to attend the Time Out for Women event here in Nashville. It was great. I loved every presenter. Chieko Okazaki was so funny. I loved her personality. Hilary Weeks and Kenneth Cope were the musical talent for Friday night and Saturday. If you haven't heard Hilary's music you are missing out. She has an amazing voice.
I bought "The Wednesday Letters" by Jason Wright and I can't stop reading it. Jason Wright and Chris Stewart were great speakers. I can't forget Emily Watts. She spoke all about the "mom guilt". I know we all suffer from that from time to time. This was the last stop for this year. If you have a chance, go next year. It starts again in the spring.


Montay said...

I have always wanted to go to that lucky duck

Kodi said...
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Jason Wright said...

So glad you had a good time. It was a FUN day! (sorry, posted this a second ago on my wife's account...)

Beloved Daughter said...

I'm jealous. I've wanted to go too all the time but just never have. Just excuses, right?! So "hi" Jason. I've chatted with you a long time ago when you were sending out some prelim copies of your first book. I read it and commented about it, then sent you a copy to sign for a gift for some family members. Small world! Really cool, Nancy, that you went and enjoyed. Good for you!!

Anonymous said...

Time out is amazing! That's awesome that you blogged about it! I work with Jason and thought you’d like knowing he has a new contest on his web site where you can win a free trip-for-two to his hometown in VA, the Shenandoah Valley. All you have to do is mail him a Christmas card! All the details are here: