Monday, July 13, 2009

The Little Things

The ' L I T T L E ' Things~

As you might remember, the head of a company survived
9/11 because his son started kindergarten.

Another fellow was alive because it was
His turn to bring donuts.

One woman was late because her
Alarm clock didn't go off in time.

One was late because of being stuck on the NJ Turnpike
Because of an auto accident.

One of them
Missed his bus.

One spilled food on her clothes and had to take
Time to change.

Car wouldn't start.

One couldn't
Get a taxi.

The one that struck me was the man
Who put on a new pair of shoes that morning,
Took the various means to get to work
But before he got there, he developed
a blister on his foot.

He stopped at a drugstore to buy a Band-Aid.
That is why he is alive today..

Now when I am
Stuck in traffic ,
Miss an elevator,
Turn back to answer a ringing telephone ...

All the little things that annoy me.
I think to myself,
This is exactly where
God wants me to be
At this very moment..

Next time your morning seems to be
Going wrong ,

The children are slow getting dressed,
You can't seem to find the car keys,
You hit every traffic light,
Don't get mad or frustrated;
It May be just that
God is at work watching over you.

May God continue to bless you
With all those annoying little things
And may you remember their possible purpose.

Thanks for the reminder mindi

Lake water anyone?

The past two weeks has been great boating weather, warm and sunny. I have taken the kids to the lake twice just to swim at the beach. They even found a few crawfish. So this weekend we headed out to go jet skiing. We were packed up Friday night ready to hit the road first thing in the morning but by the time we got to the lake it looked like rain. We were determined to have some fun and a little rain wasn't about to scare us off. We stuck it out the whole day, took cover in the rain and had FUN!!! My littest one was a die hard knee boarder. I had to kick her off so her brothers could have a turn.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July

Where do you want to go for the 4th of July? Why Kentucky of course. We spent the 4th of July weekend in Bowling Green, KY. We had lots of plans for outdoor fun! Going on a 3 hour - 7 mile Kayak trip sounded like fun until about 5 miles into it and our arms were pooped. The weather was hot and the water was cool. Day two was a hike into Mammoth Caves. We timed it right because it started raining when we went in and it had stopped by the time we came out. After dinner our plans for fireworks were rained out, so we were left with bowling and a movie in the hotel room. One last stop on the way home at the National Corvette Museum.

Happy 4th of July to all!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Washington DC

What a month June has been. After spending time in Utah visiting family I flew home for a short 24 hrs. (just enough time to do laundry and repack). Then off again. Spending a week in Washington DC was so fun--but short.
It was great seeing all of our National Monuments. We were able to see the White House, The Washington Monument, The World War II Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, Thomas Jefferson Memorial, Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool. Thank goodness for tour buses or there is no way we could have fit it all into one day.
We walked our legs off at the National Zoo and had to bring home a stuffed panda because "mommy he's lonely in the store and I need to give him a home".
The Simthsoniam Museums were FABULOUS!!! I could have spent a day or more in each one, but when traveling with a 6 yr old you are on the speed tour. We hit the Natural History Museum, American History Museum and the Air and Space Museum all in the same day. I asked to try on the Hope Diamond for just a minute but they said "No". It's fun to say we went to see "Night at the Museum" at the Natural History Museum.
Arlington National Cemetery was an amazing site. Visiting the Eternal Flame and The Tomb of the Unknown was somthing I will never forget. I still have a long list of places I want to go in Washington DC......looks like we will have to plan another trip.

Summer fun.

Wow! Having fun is hard work.

Planning, booking flights, laundry, packing, early morning flight, turbulance, at least 5 bathroom trips.....ahh the joys of traveling with kids, late nights, and wishing you were home in your own bed. It's all worth it to get to see family.