Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Washington DC

What a month June has been. After spending time in Utah visiting family I flew home for a short 24 hrs. (just enough time to do laundry and repack). Then off again. Spending a week in Washington DC was so fun--but short.
It was great seeing all of our National Monuments. We were able to see the White House, The Washington Monument, The World War II Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, Thomas Jefferson Memorial, Lincoln Memorial and Reflecting Pool. Thank goodness for tour buses or there is no way we could have fit it all into one day.
We walked our legs off at the National Zoo and had to bring home a stuffed panda because "mommy he's lonely in the store and I need to give him a home".
The Simthsoniam Museums were FABULOUS!!! I could have spent a day or more in each one, but when traveling with a 6 yr old you are on the speed tour. We hit the Natural History Museum, American History Museum and the Air and Space Museum all in the same day. I asked to try on the Hope Diamond for just a minute but they said "No". It's fun to say we went to see "Night at the Museum" at the Natural History Museum.
Arlington National Cemetery was an amazing site. Visiting the Eternal Flame and The Tomb of the Unknown was somthing I will never forget. I still have a long list of places I want to go in Washington DC......looks like we will have to plan another trip.

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