Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

The whole group!! Chilly!

Dave, Michelle, Tyson, Ashley, Tyler, and Alyssa.

Nancy and Gene....FREEZING!!!

Some Wii FUN!!!

Aunt Stephanie, Tyler, and Grandma

Da, Da, Da, DAAAA!!! TySoN!

Grandma and Riley time.

Riley and Alyssa making turkey place card holders.

What a week. After Riley had her tonsils out We had family come in and visit for the holiday. What a bummer that Lane was in Utah and Aaron and Austin were in Idaho. We sure missed them. It turned out to be a fabulous week of weather. It actually warmed up to the low 60's for a day or two. Girls night out to go and see "New Moon" and then a boys night out to go to a hockey game. The whole gang went to see "ICE" a Charlie Brown Christmas at Opryland. We loved seeing everyone and glad that they all traveled safe back to their homes.

Now it's just a count down to Christmas!!!

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