Saturday, November 21, 2009

What am I thankful for???

So everywhere you look it's happening. What are you thankful for? Take a minute and think about it. It can be big or small. Here's my top 20.

I'm thankful for:

1. Good hair days
2. Crisp sunny Fall days
3. The color of the leaves changing in the Fall
4. Quiet mornings
5. My 4 not always wonderful but GrEaT kids
6. A loving husband
7. Being able to sleep in on Saturday mornings......when it happens :)
8. Good friends
9. My best friend
10. Memories that make you smile just thinking about them
11. Being able to laugh until I cry
12. My husbands sense of humor
13. My extended family......wish we lived closer
14. Wonderful teachers
15. The freedom of this country
16. My mom--She's such an example of strength to me
17. My health
18. The kindness of a stranger
19. Freedom to worship
20. My savior Jesus Christ

1 comment:

Jaimee said...

You are such a sweet person. I am glad we have reconnected. I really hope for the chance to meet for lunch or something when you come back to Utah for a visit.