Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas is here!

I am so happy to be done putting up the lights outside. It has been FREEZING!!! After spending 5 years in San Antonio I have totally wimped out on a cold winter. The last week our highs have only been in the 40's and I was out in the morning putting up lights in a balmy 29 degrees!
Lane and Riley helped decorate the Christmas tree. One of our family traditions is that each one of us gets a new ornament each year. So with 4 kids our tree has it's fair share of Star Wars, Spiderman, Skooby Doo, Hello Kitty, etc. One day I will have a grown up tree.


1 comment:

Beloved Daughter said...

K - let me know when you're old enough to get a "grown up" tree! The bottom foot and a half of my tree has nothing on it to keep the little ones from grabbing!! Although I can't say that I have any Spiderman or Star Wars - just lots of princess stuff! Hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!